#iwill Intergenerational Social Action (ISA) programme
Looking to apply for round 2 of our #iwill Intergenerational Social Action Community Ambassadors Programme?
Find out more in our information pack [pdf 15MB] or download our application form [docx 360KB].
We’ve teamed up with Clarion Housing , Places for People, InCommon , Intergenerational Music Making (IMM) and Backyard Nature to encourage positive relationships and high-quality intergenerational activity across our communities.
Our intention is to bring younger and older people in our communities together. ISA gives everyone the opportunity to work on an issue they care about – it could be something as small as organising monthly meet ups between a school and care home, or as big as planning a community festival.
The #iwill ISA Programme, which launched in July 2023, is a two-year project to design and embed Mini Community Ambassador Programmes (mini-CAP) and Community Ambassador Programmes (CAP) in our communities.
We’re awarding grants to organisations to recruit and engage a group of young people who act as community ambassadors and lead on intergenerational social action projects. Our strategic partner, InCommon , is supporting our grant holders along the way with innovative resources and training opportunities.
Find out more about the 5 projects we funded through this programme.
How are we supporting ISA?
Community organisations and not-for-profit groups based across the country will be able to apply for funding of up to £10,000 to deliver Community Ambassador Programmes (CAPs) and mini-CAPs for younger residents.
These 12-month programmes will offer 5-20-year-olds the tools, resources, and support to embark on a lifetime of social action in their communities, making a positive difference and providing opportunities to develop new skills and friendships.
All projects will be youth-led, bringing older and younger residents together to collaborate on activities to tackle local issues and explore ways to create more connected Communities across generations.
How the programme is funded
The £1.2m programme will be funded by the participating housing associations with additional support from the #iwill Fund – a joint fund from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and The National Lottery Community Fund that supports young people to access high quality social action opportunities.
Find out more about the SNG #iwill Fund