Finding and moving home

We provide a wide range of good quality, affordable accommodation to suit your needs and situation.  

Our looking for a home section tells you more about all the options: from rented homes to shared ownership. We also have specific housing for over-55s or accommodation if you need a bit more support: from temporary housing to supported or extra-care housing. 

The ‘Pathway to your home’ page (and video) help you get ready to apply for a tenancy – including the rights and responsibilities that go with this. 

If you’re already a tenant and would like to move, you can register for a transfer through your local authority (council) or look to find someone to swap with through a mutual exchange – including via HomeSwapper, a free online service. Find out how to make sure you’re mutual exchange ready and how we’ll check the condition of your home if you’ve applied for a transfer or exchange. 

If you want to move out, we take you through the process and what you need to do before you go. 

Looking for a home

As well as people on a lower income (and registered with their local council); we offer homes to rent for over 55s (supported and extra care schemes), and shared ownership and private rent. 

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Steps to tenancy success

We’re here to provide homes but there are times when we can’t offer someone a tenancy, even if they’ve successfully bid on a property. Find out what else we can do to help instead.

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Are you mutual exchange ready?

Interested in a home swap with another social housing tenant? Find out how a mutual exchange works and what you need to do to get ready to apply.  

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What to do when you move out

If you have an assured, secure or fixed term tenancy and want to move out of your home, you need to give us four weeks’ notice. This page tells you more - and what else you’ll need to do. 

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Our RightSizing offer

Our RightSizing offer supports residents living in larger homes who want to move, freeing them up for bigger families.

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Moving through SNG Home Transfer

There are a small number of reasons why you may be able to move to another SNG property through SNG Home Transfer if you already have a tenancy with us.

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