Publication of safeguarding best practice tools to benefit more landlords
The HQN Safeguarding and Housing Best Practice Group is extending its support to other housing associations dealing with those at risk of abuse and neglect.
The group, founded by Sovereign Housing Association in 2019 under the auspices of the Housing Quality Network, has grown significantly since it was created.
Now in its third year, the group is gearing up to publish information which will help the sector respond to safeguarding concerns. With a refreshed ambition, a desire to share resources and best practice, it is set to become a powerful vehicle for influencing the safeguarding agenda.
Working collaboratively, it will look to share benchmarking data. Members will also study the lessons learnt from different types of safeguarding reviews. Internal Management Reviews, Safeguarding Adults Reviews, Serious Case Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews will all become standard agenda items, with the findings from these reviews shared.
Later this year, the group will investigate ways to increase reporting from tradespersons. This will be accompanied by an analysis of the different types of abuse, the varied thresholds for reporting and the tools used to escalate cases within local authorities. The review will separately assess what is needed to support a culture of healthy challenge and professional disagreement internally, and between partner organisations.
It is intended that these reviews will not only highlight good practice within the sector – but drive greater consistency in approach and underline why housing providers must have a seat at the safeguarding table.
Sovereign is joined on the group by 13 members. These include: Westward, Connexus, Platform, VIVID, Notting Hill Genesis, Plymouth Community Homes, Places for People, Homes Plus, Midland Heart, Aspire, Citizen, Sanctuary and Stonewater. Membership is currently capped at 14 members for logistical reasons; however this may be reviewed in the future.
Jon Cox, Chair of the Safeguarding and Housing Best Practice Group said: “This group brings together several like-minded organisations – each with a desire to learn as much as we can about the differing methods used to identify, record and respond to safeguarding issues.
“We are clear that housing has a key role in the safeguarding agenda and are keen to develop a shared understanding of our remit and challenges. By sharing data, experiences and tools, this group will help to drive greater consistency and support more landlords to take effective, proactive and responsive action to support those at risk.”
Further information about the HQN can be found at: https://hqnetwork.co.uk/networks/housing-quality-network/