Seeds and feeds
When neighbourhood community group Cllick approached us to help facilitate a Seeds and Feeds edible growing and gardening project for one of our housing for older people schemes in Plymouth, we just had to say yes.
We helped coordinate the project, which is being run at Notre Dame House.
During lockdown, 11 residents asked to take part in the initiative, and have enjoyed receiving potted lettuces and chard plants for cutting and growing on windowsills. They were given a visual care instruction leaflet, which included simple tasty recipes for both plants.
Raised beds have also been replenished with plants chosen by residents and damaged planters have been replaced with growing crates that will support future planting.
Notre Dame House resident Michael said: ‘The planters look lovely and bright. Seeds and Feeds and Sovereign asked all the residents what they would like to see grown first and it is really nice to see some of my choices growing there now.’
Virginia Farrow-Jones, who coordinated the project for Seeds and Feeds with Cllick, said: “There is great growing going on. We aim to continue sharing skills and gardening tips remotely whilst we cannot meet face to face.”
Our Community Development Officer Diane Humphries, who supported the project, added: “It is fantastic to see everyone so inspired by growing edibles and improving their environment.
“The project has also acted as a stepping-stone for more partnership projects between Sovereign and the local community, which is really positive news.”
If you live in one of our communities and would like to apply for project funding or ask for support in setting up a community group, please email or call 0300 5000 926 and ask for the Communities team.