The play's the help children take centre stage

22 July 2019 

A play involving pirates and mermaids, and songs and dances on a Midsummer Night’s Dream theme wowed proud mums and dads at Thatcham Park Primary School this week.

Thirty youngsters acted and sang their socks off after three terms with Perform, a drama-based class, which focuses on helping children with their communication, concentration, coordination and confidence.

Funded by Sovereign Housing Association, the fun sessions helped to bring out the children’s ‘true potential’.

Rachel Peters, Communities Officer for Sovereign, said: “These classes were great because they really focused on nurturing children so that they felt secure in themselves. This in turn improved their ability to learn and opened up a whole new world of options.”

The classes have also helped children to develop oracy skills – part of the school’s Development Plan.

Performance helps children to flourish

Leanne Hogburn, Assistant Head Teacher, said: “The children have thoroughly enjoyed their sessions with Perform. It has been a joy to see the children, who are normally reserved members of class, really flourish in the sessions. 

“The children play, sing, dance and act with confidence, and the long term friendships that have been forged among varying age groups spill over into their everyday school life. Participants also developed patience, concentration, creative thinking and social skills.”

Cassie in Year 4, said: “I’ve really enjoyed the sessions. I like the dancing and it’s helped me feel more confidence as I can speak louder.” 

Sovereign will continue to fund the course for the next academic year, as part of a £20,000 programme of investment across the community.

The housing association has also supported children at Thatcham Park and Kennet School throughout the year, leading interactive sessions on how to access different trades from plumber to carpenter, as well as facilitating a trip to Newbury Racecourse.