What is an emergency repair?

We provide a 24/7 emergency repairs service. If you need an emergency repair we'll usually attend the same day, but always within 24 hours.

We prioritise emergency repairs based on urgency and the risks to those in your home or to the public. Sometimes, we may ask to carry out a video call to assess (and possibly fix) the problem remotely. If we can't resolve the issue this way, it will still help us to understand more about the repair.

We are sensitive to vulnerabilities so please let us know – or remind us – of any circumstances we should be aware of, when you call to report an emergency repair.

To report an emergency repair, please call us on 0300 5000 926*. You can ring the same number for emergency situations which may arise in your new-build home relating to defects.

If you are a key worker or student, please contact your local Accommodation Office.

If you are a tenant, the following are considered an emergency

(The repairs we’re responsible for are different if you’re a shared owner or leaseholder.)

Advice for other major issues in your home

You may be able to resolve the following repairs issues yourself, but please contact us if they become an emergency.

You can also find lots more repairs and maintenance advice in our maintenance guides section, including a series of helpful video guides

*Calls cost no more than calls to geographic numbers (01 or 02) and must be included in inclusive minutes and discount schemes in the same way. (Calls from landlines and mobiles are included in free call packages).