Shaping our services

Apply to be part of our new customer engagement panels

Since merger, we’ve been working to combine our engagement offer using feedback from customers. We recently announced our new SNG framework, with new opportunities for customers to help improve our services and hold us to account. 

We’re now looking for customers to be a part of our new Customer Influence Panel and our new Scrutiny Panel - find out more and apply by 22 September.

Damp and mould scrutiny: the results

We started our investigation into our damp and mould service in June 2023.

We wanted to find out what customers like and dislike about how we communicate and advertise the service, deliver the service, and how current technology is used by customers.

We have now published our full scrutiny report [pdf, 214KB] Opens in new window.

Damp and mould scrutiny at a glance:

  • 604 customers gave feedback on their experience
  • 14 recommendations were made to improve the service – 9 were accepted and 5 partly accepted.

Actions from scrutinyDate
Review the content of the damp and mould leaflet to ensure the financial information is more prominent and covers all our offers.November 2023
Review Sovereign website to ensure damp and mould information is easy to access.December 2023
Develop an action plan, setting out how we will communicate information to customers throughout the year.December 2023
Test moving customers over to Property Specialist Team (Triage 2) for Damp and Mould where more expertise is required or escalation.December 2023
Review pilot of new approach with diagnostics and triage and roll-out to all front-line Contact Centre advisors if successful.December 2023
Review approach to compensation and financial support.December 2023
Explore how we can text or email customers a link to our website or post a leaflet when they first report damp and mould.December 2023
Identify the best channel(s) to receive damp and mould photos through.December 2023
Sensor data to be made available to colleagues.December 2023
Increase the use of automation to triage sensor data.December 2023
Work with suppliers and digital partners to increase the use of digital messaging triggered by sensor data.December 2023
Develop a communication plan that includes real life case studies and information and advice from residents.January 2024
Develop a machine learning model to predict which homes may be susceptible to damp and mould.August 2024

If you have any questions, please email

Scrutiny Coordination Group

We think the best people to look into our services and suggest improvements are the people who live in our homes. We call this process ‘Scrutiny’ and have set up a group of residents called the Scrutiny Coordination Group.

  • Paula Grebot (Chair)
  • Denise Cox
  • Danny Lynch
  • Cailin Harris
  • Ebony Taylorson
  • Oliver Witheridge
  • Angie Chillingworth

The group decides which service areas to review and then supports other volunteer residents to carry out the scrutiny work.

The volunteers investigate what’s going well with the service and what needs to be improved and make recommendations.

Find out about previous service investigations